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Heading Away from the Ledge | Full Documentary

In this intimate and poignant documentary, filmmaker Henry A. Hopkins tells the story of his brother ...View More

Europe's Great Wilderness | Episode 3: Europe's Living Waters | Free Documentary Nature

Europes's Great Wilderness - Episode 3: Europe's Living Waters | Wildlife Documentary Watch 'Europe' ...View More

Portugal: Carnations against Dictatorship | Documentary

In April 1974, left-wing factions in the Portuguese military staged a coup against the authoritarian ...View More

Most Dangerous Ways To School | CHINA | Free Documentary

Most Dangerous Ways To School - China (Nu Jiang & Oytag) Most Dangerous Ways To School - Mexico: ...

Forgiveness in Rwanda | Documentary

In April 2024, Rwanda commemorates the 30th anniversary of the genocide, a highly traumatic event in ...View More

The Afghan Resistance | Documentary

The resistance against the Taliban is embodied by the Massoud family and is organised in the rebel p ...View More

Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads | Full Series | Free Documentary History

Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads - Full Series | History Documentary Watch '1944: Should We Bom ...View More

Morocco: After the Earthquake | Documentary

Five months ago, the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Morocco killed 3000 people and injured 56 ...View More

Most Dangerous Ways To School | SOUTH & WEST MEXICO | Free Documentary

Most Dangerous Ways To School | SOUTH & WEST MEXICO | Free Documentary Most Dangerous Ways To School ...View More

Tiny Titans - The Fascinating World of Insects | Free Documentary Nature

Tiny Titans - The Fascinating World of Insects | Wildlife Documentary Watch 'Wildlife - Just Insects ...View More

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